Here you can find common terms used in Ninchat and their definitions.
Term | Definition |
Ninchat | The name of the chat service. |
Activity log | List of customer queue's latest events. |
Agent | A person using Ninchat through ninchat.com, has no embedded client view. |
Queue | A queue for customer service chat in which an agent can pick a customer for bilateral conversation. |
Channel | Multi-user chat room, can be used for internal team communication or public group discussion embedded into a web page. |
Channel moderator | An agent who manages and moderates chat as well as users in the channel. |
Channel operator | An agent who can edit channel settings, invite new members to the channel, and add/remove operator and moderator rights of the channel members. |
Deleted user | Ended customer conversation, where visitor has closed conversation. |
Dropped request | Customer who was not picked from queue and left. |
Organization | A client-controlled entity that includes channels, queues, and agents. |
Organization operator | An agent who can add users as queue members, and view statistics and access customer chat history. Organization operator can also edit queue settings including queue name and schedule. |
Registered contact | Saved questionnaire answer without actual conversation. E.g. offline contact request. |
Request | Chat request in customer queue. In statistics answered and un-answered queueings are shown as accepted and dropped requests. |
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