
Here you can find introduction to organization management on Ninchat.

General info

An organization is a private and closed space in Ninchat for your company or community. Organizations include:

  • Members/agents

  • Channels for group conversations

  • Customer queues and conversations, statistics and settings

  • Tags

Organization is managed by organization operators. They add and administer members and permit rights for customer queues, and their statistics and configurations.

Channels in organizations are mainly private, invite-only so only users who are invited, can join them. Channel operators can send channel invites to existing users and via email to new ones. You can create channels for different topics or departments: General, Coders, Sales,... - or for projects and invite your affiliates solely to those channels.

More about adding and managing agents below.

User levels and rights

Creating a new organization

One can create freely one new channel to Ninchat's public realm. Creating a private organization with private channels and customer queues requires a Ninchat subscription. We create your organization for you after that.

Managing organization members

Add a new agent

Manage customer care queues

Last updated