Queue settings

Here you can find instructions on how to edit queue settings for your customer care queues.

Click the arrow icon next to the queue name and select "Queue settings". (This requires organization operator rights.)


In the Queue settings, "General" tab, you can edit the following:

  • Name of the queue;

  • Metadata, such as IP address and location, whether it is automatically added to the beginning of the conversation. For additional metadata information, please contact Ninchat staff.

  • Secure metadata, whether it is required to be present (for more information, see the section "Customer care queues and conversations").

Make sure to save any changes.

Support for attachments and video calls

If you would like to be able to upload attachments or use video calls and screen sharing during customer conversation picked from a queue, please contact Ninchat staff.


See instructions for queue scheduling in the following page:

Queue schedule


Notes is an advanced feature which allows adding one or more form fields within a customer care conversation that can be saved as notes. Notes made by customer service representatives are also stored in chat history.

Contact Ninchat staff for more information.

Transfer queues

In the Queue settings, "Advanced" tab, it is possible to set transfer queues which will allow transferring a customer conversation to another queue and thereby another professional. Check the box for allowable queues. Contact Ninchat staff for more information.

Queue statistics

Queue statistics

Manage queue and queue members

Manage queues and queue agents

Last updated