Add a new agent

Instructions on how to add an agent to a team channel, organization, and to a customer queue.

Add a new agent

These are the main steps how a new agent can be invited to your organization and customer care queues:

  1. The person is invited to a team channel.

    • Grant also membership to organization for the invitee

  2. If the user wasn't granted organization membership alongside the invitation, he/she can be added to the organization after accepting the invitation.

  3. The agent is then added to customer queues.

1. Invite people

Inviting people requires channel operator rights on the channel in question. User must be invited to all necessary channel separately. Organization membership is given only once.

  1. Click "Invite people" at the bottom of the member list.

  2. Type email address of the person you want to invite in Search field and press Enter.

  3. Add email addresses or usernames of other invitees as needed.

  4. Tick "Grant membership to organization". If you want to invite people only to the channel, leave this out.

  5. Click the "Send invite" button. You can also copy the invitation link and send to each person.

The invitation link is valid for 14 days from the time it is created. It will then expire and you will have to create a new link if needed.

Actions needed from the invitee

Ninchat invitation

2. Add an agent to your organization

User can be granted organization membership along with invitation. If this wasn't done, you can add them to organization after they have accepted invitation.

  1. A new user can follow the steps in the article "How to create account?", and join the team channel.

  2. You will see the new member in the member list and a notification that he/she has joined the channel.

  3. Click the agent name and select "Add to organization".

  4. Click OK in the pop-up notification.

3. Add an agent to a queue

Once the agent is added to the organization, go to the Organization settings. You can access it by clicking channel name or organization, select Organization settings from the dropdown menu.

In the "Organization" tab, click the agent row in the member list to see the agent's details and his/her rights in a new view.

In the new view, you will see the list that shows all your organization's queues. Check the box (under "Member") of an appropriate queue(s) for the agent. Queue agent status can be granted according to knowledge or field e.g. language skills, information, job, location, etc.

You can return to the user list by clicking the "Back" button.

Added queue in an agent's view

Once you have added an agent to a queue, the queue will appear to him/her in the Sidebar under the organization's customer care queues.

4. Add agent as an organization operator

You can give organization operator rights to an agent if you want him/her to view statistics and message history of (all) queues, and manage other users in the organization, by clicking the button "Give operator status".

You can add and remove the organization operator rights in the same view as the queue agent status rights. Go to the “Organization” tab and click the agent’s row. Now you will see the agent’s user information and permissions in a new window.

You can also remove an agent from the organization and queues by clicking the button "Remove membership". Please note that the user must be removed separately from the team channel and other chat channels.

Add multiple agents to a particular queue

Manage queues and queue agents

Last updated