Ending audience
Customer audience is ended either by agent or customer. The customer can close the chat and the agent is notified the audience has ended, or vice versa. After one party has ended the conversation, the other can't write new messages anymore.
The agent can end audiences either from top menubar or from the Sidebar.
Ending audience via menubar
Click username in the navbar. Choose how you end the audience:
End and hide conversation
Audience ends and is also hidden from you. You can no longer add tags or notes to the conversation.
End conversation
Audience ends and new messages can't be sent. Audience still stays open and visible in the Sidebar. You can add tags and notes to the conversation until you close it (End and hide), within six hours. You can close the conversation later from the sidebar. It will later dispay as "Deleted user".
Even when customer ends the conversation, agent is better to close the conversation in the end.
Ending audience via Sidebar
Close the conversation by clicking cret icon next to audience name in the Sidebar. This way the conversation will also be closed right away and you can no longer add tags or notes to the conversation.
Ended audience
If you haven't hidden ended audience and later open it from the sidebar, you may see a "Channel is suspended" notification on top of the conversation. This is just to tell the audience in question has ended.
"Channel is suspended" notification does not mean the customer queue is closed.
Last updated