Channel settings

Here you can find instructions on how to edit team channel and public group settings

To access channel settings, click the arrow icon next to the channel name and select "Channel settings".

General settings

In the Channel settings, "General" tab, you can edit the channel name and description, and change the permission settings.


Organization name

The organization name that the channel belongs to. The channel cannot be moved to another organization.

Channel name

The channel name that appears in the conversation list or Sidebar. It is a good idea to describe the purpose of the channel.

Channel topic

Channel description to further define the purpose of the channel.


Who can join the channel

Who can read messages

Who can write messages

Who can add files to the channel

Advanced settings

Channel closed text

You can set a text to be displayed to users when nobody can write messages. For example, "The channel is closed, you cannot post."


If necessary, you can hide the option to allow starting private conversation through the member list.

Channel schedule

In the Channel settings, "Schedule" tab, you can make a schedule for a public group chat channel to open/close automatically. This works similarly to queue schedule.

Last updated